360 Legal Sarasota
Ask your business to update business information instantly, respond to reviews, and more! If you need immediate assistance, please call 888-360-5345 and inform our staff that you have an urgent problem so we can make sure it is resolved. You are known by the company you keep… To be the best, you need to work with industry leaders. Our process servers know the sensitive nature of your practice. Our process servers use the utmost care and discretion. Our Professional Process Server staff uses our knowledge, experience, full range of services and innovative technology to provide our clients with key legal services in the following areas. Our process servers are here to help you protect the interests of your customers. But that doesn`t mean your needs aren`t important. We exist for and for our customers. Therefore, we work to meet all the needs of our customers and may need a little more time to respond in the given circumstances.
Please note that 360 Legal has the technology and systems that allow our employees to work remotely when needed or needed. At 360 Legal, our process servers understand how to move your collection files forward. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to escalate, 360 Legal is closely monitoring the situation. Our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our employees, family, community and customers. An important part of the answer to this concern is to continue to meet the needs of our customers. Yelp users haven`t asked any questions about 360 Legal so far. To this end, we continue to work in accordance with our Corporate Code. Our offices remain open and are committed to the highest level of customer service. Like you, we deal with several personal, family and professional concerns. We may not respond to questions and requests as quickly as we would like or wish.
We are proud of our quick responses, but current events have underscored our ability to do so. Our nationwide Process Server Cloud is up to the task! Relax, 360 Legal has what you need.